Special Alert

Wildfire Resources

On Friday, July 5th at 3:45PM the Lake Fire began near Zaca Lake. The extent of the burn within Sedgwick is approximately 3,000 acres. However, at least 50% of this acreage is from controlled backfiring. These lower intensity emergency burns may have saved many valuable resources including many trees from being topkilled. The field station and all of its buildings are also safe. We are grateful to the firefighters for their hard work!

Please visit this page for resources.

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Sedgwick Reserve

Sedgwick Reserve

University of California, Natural Reserve System

Public Event

Space is available now that we’ve moved to Zoom due to the Lake Fire

Saturday, July 13

Sedgwick Reserve is pleased to host William Selby for a program based on his upcoming book “The California Sky Watcher: Understanding Weather Patterns and What Comes Next.” This book is part of a larger project that encourages people to reconnect with their natural world.

Gain a new appreciation for the sky and the stories it tells. Through a series of colorful images, Selby will guide you through the sky, teaching you how to appreciate cloud formations and weather patterns, and how to make your own weather forecast. Unravel the mysteries behind the state’s fog, floods, fires, droughts, and snowstorms, and learn what these changeable energies forecast for the future of California’s climate.

This colorful, entertaining, interactive, and informative program will highlight the beauty and magic that erupts when we fuse science, technology, and art, and will empower you to deepen your appreciation and understanding of the sky.


Sedgwick Reserve is a world-class research, conservation and education facility located in Santa Barbara County’s Santa Ynez Valley.  One of seven reserves managed by the University of California Santa Barbara Natural Reserve System. 

Working in coordination with the La Kretz Research Center based at Sedgwick supports interdisciplinary research and innovation.



Our nearly 6,000 acres of land include several critical habitat types as well as two complete watersheds at the foot of Figueroa Mountain.

Barn Owl

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