Preparing for your visit: Applications & Reservations
The NRS Reserve Application Management System (RAMS) is our system for managing project applications and reservations.
New projects are submitted as an application. The application will require the names and emails of people involved in the project, a description of the field work, locations, details of any proposed manipulations or collecting, and copies of permits if required. Installation of equipment will require a consultation and plan for installation, upkeep, and removal. Larger installations will require CEQA approval. A new project application will take a minimum of 10 business days to approve, and sometimes longer depending on the complexity.
During the application process you will be contacted by reserve staff. We will be looking at the research value and suitability of the project based on habitat, other research projects, infrastructure, species distribution, environmental conditions, and staff resources if required. We will make every effort to work with applicants, support, and welcome new projects.
Once an application is approved, reservations can be submitted. Each trip to the reserve requires a reservation through RAMS. Every individual coming must be listed on the application to be included in the reservation. Multiple reservations can be made under one project application, and multiple visits can be requested at one time. Please submit your reservation at least 3 business days in advance and wait for approval to come to the reserve.
During the reservation process, staff are looking at accommodation availability, road and weather conditions, fire risk, personnel availability, and other activities on the reserve. Staff are an excellent resource for planning a productive and safe experience. They are available M-F 8 AM – 5 PM, and evenings and weekends for emergencies. Generally, only long term or extended stay researchers will be permitted to stay on weekends or holidays.
New researchers may want to visit the reserve before starting their field work. Anyone visiting the reserve for the first time must make an appointment for a safety orientation and check in at the office M-F 8 AM – 5 PM.
If you are a research assistant wanting to make a reservation under your PI’s application, log in as a new user (you’ll have to set up an account) and follow the instructions to join another applicant’s application.
Contact the Sedgwick Office at sedgwick@nrs.ucsb.edu if you run into difficulty accessing an existing application or making a reservation once a new application has been submitted.
In addition to making reservations on-line, researchers are expected to:
- Check in and provide a vehicle description and emergency contact number using the kiosk in the lobby of the office (big building with blue roof).
- Have everyone in your group sign a liability waiver, to be provided upon approved reservation.
- Be good citizens in reserve housing; drive both private and university vehicles responsibly; and follow rules and safety precautions (review 3-page safety flyer here and the reserve’s full emergency plan here)
- Overnight users can fill out facility check-out forms at the end of your Sedgwick stay (located in the lobby of the office) and provide billing account information so that invoices can be mailed out promptly. Invoices are generated based on PI on the application, and resources selected during the reservation. If you have changes, make sure to communicate with staff at sedgwick@nrs.ucsb.edu .
- Written confirmation that structures, equipment, flagging, markers, installations, etc. have been or will be removed from research site(s).
- Inform the Reserve Director when projects are soon to be completed and be prepared to provide the following:
- Citations of current publications based on data collected at Sedgwick.
- A copy of all published materials, including conference proceedings, abstracts, and technical reports (including one bound copy of theses and dissertations) resulting from your research. (NOTE: acknowledge the UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA NATURAL RESERVE SYSTEM, UCSB SEDGWICK RESERVE in any publication resulting from use of the reserve.